It is blowing a gale right now you know the kind the windows rattle and the wind whistles in the door cracks to complete the effect it is raining hard. The forecast calls for it all to be over by morning. We’ll see what the day brings. I am scheduled to duck hunt for the next three days with Bill Wasson of Maine Sea Ducks. I am looking forward to seeing the way that another guide runs his hunts and to having a little time to talk about the nuts and bolts of his guiding operation.
The week of Thanksgiving usually marks a significant turn in the weather and this year is no different. While we have not had any real cold or big amount of snow yet. The change is obvious to everyone. The ground is white, making it look like the coming season. The national weather service has a great site that shows snow depths across New England
I spent the last few days guiding sea duck hunters. It is always rewarding to spend some time on the ledges and see what is going on out there. The weather is usually a very big part of my life but it dominates sea duck hunts. We had strong wind for a couple of days that kept us from the outer islands and ledges but Saturday was perfect. We had little wind until noon or so. A three foot swell left over from the wind of the previous few days kept it interesting.