
Wildlife sightings

In the last few days clients have had more to see than just great weather and beautiful scenery. The critters have been showing up more than usual and in unusual ways. One afternoon on a perch fishing trip we were anchored in a cove out of the breeze. I heard a splash and looked up to see a young osprey about twenty yards away, nothing unusual here. Except the young bird was floating on the surface of the pond, wings outstretched, rather than launching himself (or herself) back into the air.

Goldenrod, Asters and Goldfinches

Our great stretch of September weather continues, clear blue skies, cool nights and warm days. A great time of year to get out and fish or explore. Clients from around the country have taken advantage of the great weather this week. Changes in the flowers are noticeable this week. Purple and white wild asters began to show in the roadside ditches this week and goldenrod is everywhere. The young goldfinches are out flying with their parents we have a small flock here in the yard.


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