
Delightful morning trip

Most of the folks that I get to spend time with outdoors are a pleasure to be around and sometimes we are like old friends after only minutes. The couple I took on the lower Saint George Saturday were an absolute delight. The stripers did not cooperate at all but we were successful in capturing mackerel and watched lobstermen haul their gear up close. They were very interested in this world so different from the center of the country where they live.

Loons up close

This morning as I was bass fishing with my clients on Megunticook Lake in Camden we were surprised by a pair of loons. The loons came from a considerable distance behind us. Actually my clients came from a more considerable distance, but that is another story. Each loon swam under the boat seconds apart (they were very visible passing by in the clear water) and came up only a few feet away. In hindsight it was one of the best photo opportunities I have ever had to get an image of a loon they were so close that the green neck band was very prominent in the sunlight.

Canoeing in the fog

I enjoyed a great nature exploration canoe trip this afternoon; in spite of the fog and threat of rain. All of the recent rain has the river and ponds at very high levels so it was fun to paddle over the marsh at the outlet of Round Pond and well up into the brook at the north end of Seven Tree Pond. There was little wind when we started and only a light breeze when we returned. We had the place to ourselves as there was not another boat anywhere or a person at Ayer Park.


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