Pileated Woodpecker

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This morning on our walk Argy and I heard a loud tapping in a dead maple tree. We looked up and saw a Pileated Woodpecker working on the tree. We stood for a while pileated Woodpeckerand watched as he worked intently. After a few minutes I wished for my camera and Argy responded, “Go get it. Worst case he is gone when you come back.”

We walked back to the house and both got our cameras. When we returned the woodpecker was still there steadily working on the maple. I took several nice pictures and even shot a short video thinking that this would be a good chance to add some video to this blog. Unfortunately I had the camera turned on its side to get the best vertical images which made for a lousy video angle. Who wants to see a woodpecker working on a horizontal tree?

I’ll keep trying for some interesting video. Hopefully coming soon.

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