nature trips

Turkeys are making noise!

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Argy and I walk most mornings and it is great way to keep up with the changes going on around us as the seasons change. This morning we were treated to a group of tom turkeys gobbling at each other before leaving the roost. It has been a week or more since we heard the first gobbling of the spring a few tentative gobbles at first. This was quite loud with several toms gobbling at once.

Woodcock are back!

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Spring is well on its way here. The brooks are running bank full as the snow slowly melts, the fields are free of snow for the first time since Christmas and the birds have begun to return. This week Argy and I were on our evening walk and I commented that the woodcock should be back soon no sooner were the words out of my mouth and we could hear that unmistakable twitter overhead. They are back!

A morning of big birds

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Walking in the snow the other day I was treated to seeing a couple of big birds very close. The first was a large tom turkey hiding in the brush at the edge of the road. As I walked to within fifteen feet or so he took to the air with a great flapping of wings. Needless to say a bird that large taking to the air from the ground so close is both impressive and startling!Pileated Woodpecker


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