Turkeys are making noise!

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Argy and I walk most mornings and it is great way to keep up with the changes going on around us as the seasons change. This morning we were treated to a group of tom turkeys gobbling at each other before leaving the roost. It has been a week or more since we heard the first gobbling of the spring a few tentative gobbles at first. This was quite loud with several toms gobbling at once.

Later on as I headed off to my first meeting of the day in Augusta I passed this group of seven toms strutting for each other in a field and oh by the way still gobbling at each other without a hen in sight. If you have never seen a tom turkey in full display it is an impressive show and one that can be readily seen for the next few weeks. Early mornings are best and fields near roosts in tall pines are pretty easy to locate by listening in the evening for a few gobbles before dark.

Take a minute and get out there to see the show.

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