spring fishing

First Trip on Megunticook This Spring

Saturday was breezy and chilly with a clear blue sky, equipment is coming out of winter storage and ready to be used so Argy and I made a trip to Megunticook in Camden in the afternoon. The breeze was strong enough to make me seek the sheltered coves so that I could cast a fly. Still there were willing smallmouth bass and we enjoyed a few pleasant hours on the water.

It is Official Spring is here!

Yesterday afternoon was cool and breezy with lots of sun. Argy and I launched the Lund Alaskan and made the first trip of 2013 through the stretch of river into Round Pond. It really was too chilly to linger but the first trip of the season is now behind us. Our most interesting sighting was a goose sitting on a nest on top of a beaver lodge making every effort to hide while right out in the open.

Traditional Opening Day of Fishing Season

April 1 was the opening day of open water fishing season in this part of Maine. That changed a short while ago and we can now fish through the ice until it melts and then in the open water right away. This change was of course unrecognized by nature. The ice is still in on most lakes and ponds and with rain last night the streams and rivers are high, cold and the water dirty.


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