Guide seminar

Mid Season Dilema

One of my basic beliefs has been challenged. I have firmly believed that good design really matters to business. This spring Maine Outdoors went from using brochures that I designed and had an almost homemade look to a four color version done by someone that I consider a very good designer. The images were critical so I also used a professional photographer.

Guides Working Group

I received a letter today from Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Deputy Commissioner Paul Jacques asking me to serve on a working group on Guides formed by the Department to recommend any changes that are needed to the definition of a Registered Maine Guide. We will review the outdoor recreational activities that currently are offered for a fee in Maine. Then determine if any that do not currently require a guides license should.Master Maine Guide

Customer Expectations

Just returned from the University of Rhode Island where I attended new student orientation with my youngest son. The overall experience was excellent. They did a great job of building a bond with the students and the families. On the parent end they did a great job of explaining the realities of having a child go away to school.


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