Customer Expectations

Just returned from the University of Rhode Island where I attended new student orientation with my youngest son. The overall experience was excellent. They did a great job of building a bond with the students and the families. On the parent end they did a great job of explaining the realities of having a child go away to school. Luckily this is our second to go off and Nicholas has been away much of the last year first France last fall and this spring at the National 4-H Center in Washington, DC. Much of the other material was the nuts and bolts of working with them on specific issues that they anticipate will come up.

The first day was filled with a good variety of important information and opportunities to walk around the campus. There was food at every turn and always more than anyone could possibly eat. A great way to connect with their new customers but it set our expectations for day two. On the second day still a variety of good information (including an hour with the financial aid folks). There was not so much as a cup of coffee available at the morning session after the continental breakfast of the day before and the fresh cookies at every turn it was surprising. In fact enough of a surprise that parents actually mentioned it when we had the chance to talk. Granted we had lunch in the cafeteria and free coffee in one of the campus stores in the afternoon but they missed the morning opportunity to cement themselves as world class in our minds.

The lesson for all of us in service businesses is when you excel at customer service that becomes the bar that you are measured against next time. In the guide business there is so much that I cannot control; weather, wildlife or fish; that the service needs to be exceptional every time if I hope to meet those high customer expectations.

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