
Barred owls in the neighborhood!

We usually have a pair of barred owls nesting in the woodlot next to the house but this year there seem to be more owls than usual around. Last evening I went out to exercise the dogs as it was just getting dark, when I opened the kennel gate the squeak caused an owl to holler and let everyone know that he was around. Because it was still pretty light I could make him out plainly in an oak tree about fifty yards away. We hear them frequently but this one was very plain to see. I ducked into the house and told Argy and the boys that they should come out and see this owl.

What a morning

My oldest son is visiting College of the Atlantic to be sure that it is where he wants to go next year. So the younger one needed to be driven to school (he usually rides with his brother) I decided that I would drive his old Jeep since it does not get driven much. (he will get his license in June). On the way home the right front tire blew out!

Union Historical Society

Snow two mornings this week, not a big deal an inch or two in the night that melts away by noon. A little reminder to us all that winter is not going to give way to spring without a struggle. The Jotul 118 is working like a charm and heats the house completely in the warmer weather. It still does not have the capacity of the old one but seems to get the job done with less wood. One big difference that I have noticed is that it produces far less ash. I only need to carry out ashes once a week about half the amount that the old 118 produced. How did they do that?


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