Ten good things about this summer’s weather

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Ok; it is raining hard again this morning. Today’s client thought that it might not be much fun to stand in a boat for a few hours in the pouring rain (really can’t blame him) and I was starting to get grumpy. It has turned into the Reign of Rain, summer 2009. So Argy, always the optimist, suggested that I make a list of ten good things about this summer’s weather. I am always up for a challenge so here is my list

1. Saved a ton on sunscreen this summer. In fact I think I will have enough zinc oxide left over to get me through most of next summer. Not to mention that moisture is supposed to be good for the skin.

2. Our garden hose is redundant anything recently planted is very well watered; naturally!

3. We have burned up all of the wood scraps that I have kept hanging around in the garage for small summer fires, and just this morning I made another trip to the woodpile for some real firewood.

4. The lawn is still green and growing. Usually our lawns have quit growing by midsummer and are sort of brown. This year mowing is needed on almost every sunny day.

5. No dust clouds from the dirt road in front of the house when our neighbors drive by.

6. I can use the Lund Alaskan pretty much wherever I choose. There is plenty of water in the St. George River and all of the ponds.

7. I am not wishing for a day off in midsummer. I’ve had plenty and am very well rested, thank you.

8. Weeding the garden has been simple. The ground is soft, pulling them is a snap and with so little sun even the weeds are not growing well.

9. This year’s young freshwater fish have plenty of water making for excellent survival rates. Even better fishing next summer!

10. Even though conditions have been perfect to breed lots of mosquitoes the weather has not allowed them (or us) to get out.

There you have it my list of ten good things about this summer weather. Got any to add?

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I like your take on this. We're having just an unbelievably awful summer of weather here in Virginia (really hot) and I need a little of this optimism. I like the comment about firewood -- it's such good exercise to haul around firewood.

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