Thinking about the future of my industry

I spend time regularly thinking about the business of being a guide. Not only because that is what I have for a business but as I think about teaching others in my seminars I pretty carefully think thorough what it takes to make it all work. After 22 years at it I have a pretty good idea of what a successful guide looks like, From this perspective it has been very interesting to read the comments on the Plum Creek zoning plan submitted by various environmental groups, which I am doing as part of my role representing the Maine Bowhunters Association.

Clearly a variety of groups think that guides are an important part of the outdoor recreation offerings in the Moosehead Lake region. But the vision of what constitutes a profitable business varies considerably. In fact one group that was paying $35 per day for licensed guides last I knew, maintains that their successful model provides a better opportunity than any other “low paying” tourism sector jobs. Going back to my own profitability measures after paying for gas in the truck and boat I would not be profitable at that rate. Either my costs are completely skewed or something is missing from the equation.

Part of the question around the future of the economy in that region is clearly who will be able to make a living and who will be forced to leave because there is no opportunity. I see some of these groups as being driven by their own economic self interest and not having much of an interest in the future of the community. Which I think is especially unfortunate.

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