Why do they bother?

This week I received a marketing proposal from Yahoo to take advantage of their Fast Track Sponsored Links program. When the salesperson called she was very helpful of course. But, I have a rule about wanting to see something in writing before I agree to it. She agreed to send along the specifics and they did in fact arrive later that day.

I took a few minutes and looked the proposal over but when I tried to call and sign up I was greeted with the typical “all of our operators are busy please wait message” After several tries I did get a person who told me that my contact was with another customer and would call me right back. It has already been a while I wonder how long the call back will take or if it will even come?

It also gets me to wondering how much attention will my project get after I decide to spend money with them and am no longer just another hot prospect for a sale. Sometimes I wonder why businesses bother to do these promotions at all. If there was no intent to actually deliver anything why not just take the week off and do no harm?

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