Signs of Spring

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Slowly the snow is starting to recede, first the edges of the fields show through and then gradually I can see the areas of brown grow. Hopefully this slow melting trend continues with all of the snow here and further north the last thing we need is a rapid melt, the resulting flooding would be a big problem. The days are moderating and a sunny day is a real treat. The cold has really lost its bite even though many mornings are still below freezing. It is now light well after supper in the evenings and the wood stove is not going every minute of every day rather it works in the evenings after the sun disappears and again in the mornings. The air has changed and the smoke from the woodstove comes right back down to the ground instead of rising quickly into the cold air.
The big news yesterday afternoon though was that I noticed the daffodils along the stonewall in front of the house have come up and a few of them have already started to bud. A few more warm days and the flowers will be in full bloom.  It won’t be long now until the alewives and herring are running in the Saint George and the stripers will not be far behind them. I can’t wait.

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