Firewood and the changing environment

I started to cut and split our firewood for the coming winter this morning. When I was younger cutting it to length took one day. But now that I am 50 I work for a couple of hours in the morning and then get cleaned up and sit at my desk for the rest of the day. Partly because I am not as able to handle a chain saw all day and partly because I now have work to do at my desk, given this slower pace it should take all week to get six cords of tree length firewood sized for the Jotul 118 and most of the weekend to get it split. Hopefully I will have it all stacked in the garage before I leave for Libby Camps to guide grouse hunters.

It is interesting to see the wood that I buy, because most of the local woodlots are grown up fields there is a mix of birch, maple, ash and oak. I usually know where the wood has come from and what the landowner needed the money for. To some folks the woods that are cut down are the forest primeval but I know from the size and variety that I am seeing the results of a pasture that was let grow up when I was young. Most people do not think of the environment as changing and dynamic but there is proof in my wood pile each fall.

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