Eagles first flight!

Yesterday afternoon I was about to start a family fishing trip on Seven Tree Pond here in Union, when I cut the motor and was about to lower the anchor over the side of the boat I heard lots of eagle cries. I looked across the cove and could see an adult eagle in a tree with a young eagle perched right below it. Eagle at the nest

We slowly motored over for a better look. The young eaglet was perched in a precarious spot and had his wings spread for support, looking like he could fall out of the tree at any moment. The adult was watching us and the eaglet closely, all the while screeching. I assume offering encouragement like any parent does when the kids try something new.

Eagles have become common in the mid coast, there are nests on many of the lakes and ponds that I guide. Because of that eagle sightings along with loon have become sort of a staple of any of the trips that I guide.

We left them and went back to catch perch one right after another. After an hour or so we saw the eaglet fly back without much trouble to the nest to join his sibling. There were even more eagle cries on the return flight, lots more eagle noise than I usually hear in an afternoon that is for sure. What a great adventure for that family. Yesterday was one of those times when simply being out made the sighting and the memory possible.

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