Beep…..Beep Spring is here

Argy and I have been walking in the evenings this week. We are taking advantage of the pleasant March weather and the switch to Daylight savings time. Two evenings ago I heard a single Beeep.. and I knew that spring was here for sure. For those who do not know it is the sound that the male woodcock makes when getting ready to perform his territory / mating ritual.

A few beeps on the ground in an open space a little jig on the ground and a spiraling flight up into the air nearly out of sight followed by twittering back to earth in almost the exact spot where it all started. A great show that everyone should get out and see on warm spring evenings. While not the most attractive bird in the forest certainly a favorite. With a top flight speed of only fifteen miles an hour; it is a wonder that they migrate at all. But they do heading south to where the worms are available all winter.

I knew that there were a few woodcock around. Copper pointed one last week in the woodlot behind the house. But it appears that the migration is well under way now and it won’t be long until there are females on the nest in our woodlots. Spring is here!

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