
The Frost Heaves are Here!

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One sign of spring that we don't like to talk about is the frost heaves.  Now for those of you from warmer parts of the world let me explain.  During the winter and ground freezes deeply, as it starts to thaw in the early spring it thaws from the surface down.  It also thaws unevenly some places, for instance over top of a culvert thaw quickly whereas the surrounding area thaws more slowly.  This difference creates unevenness in the road surface.  This unevenness (the frost heave) is most noticeable on our roads especially the secondary and back roads that have not been built to a high stan

What a relief!

I have finished working with the legislative committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for this year. After the long winter sitting in one meeting after another it was a pleasure to walk out of the door this afternoon and know that my job now turns into a series of fishing and canoe trips for the foreseeable future; my reward for all of that indoor effort. Just in time, today was a beautiful warm sunny day with almost no wind. The amazing part is that there are very few black flies. They must be waiting for this weekend when I will be guiding bass fishermen on the ponds.


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