
Wildflowers, Blackflies and Fiddleheads

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We have had a few sunny warm days and spring is progressing rapidly. Many of the woodland wildflowers are wasting no time blooming to take advantage of the full sunlight on the forest floor. It won’t be long until the leaves pop and shade everything with full summer growth. Already the poplars and birches are sporting small bright green leaves. I see the buds of the beeches are swollen and very close to opening.

Changeable Weather

New England is famous for the changeable weather but this spring takes it to the extreme. In the last week we have had warm sun, snow, rain and of course clouds and wind to make the picture complete. In spite of the variety this spring seems to be coming a week or two ahead of normal For those that fish the rivers and streams the alder leaves will be the size of a mouse’s ear after a couple more sunny days. It will then be time to chase trout in the river. Actually I have heard a few good reports lately but got rained out on my most recent attempt to check the fishing personally.

Beep…..Beep Spring is here

Argy and I have been walking in the evenings this week. We are taking advantage of the pleasant March weather and the switch to Daylight savings time. Two evenings ago I heard a single Beeep.. and I knew that spring was here for sure. For those who do not know it is the sound that the male woodcock makes when getting ready to perform his territory / mating ritual.


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