
Peregrine Falcons

This information on our Peregrine falcons showed up in my inbox this morning from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildife.

Peregrine falcons may be the fastest bird in the world, but restoration of this Maine Endangered Species is a marathon, not a sprint.

1960s: Peregrine falcons disappeared in Maine due to the pesticide DDT

1984-1997: 144 young peregrines reintroduced in Maine

1987: First reestablished nesting pair located in Maine

2002: Maine population reached 15 pairs

Back from vacation

We just returned from two weeks in Hawaii. It was an amazing trip with many firsts for both of us. One of the biggest this is that Argy been to all 50 states now. We visited the islands of Kauai and Hawaii both rural and with very different environments. It was windy for most of the trip but it did not keep us from doing what we wanted . I was able to fish in the saltwater and the freshwater with a local guide.


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