
Conservation Efforts

Quiet Morning on the Saint George RiverI just returned from the three-day Orvis partners meeting in Vermont where we spent a good part of a morning talking about conservation efforts that the company and partner businesses might take. The discussion got me to thinking about all that has already been done and what I have been involved with over the years.

Quite the storm last night!

That was quite a storm last night to be sure. When I got up at 5AM there were wind gusts of over 50 miles per hour and it was raining sideways. I had been awakened by the wind several times in the night which makes me think that the wind was stronger overnight. Several inches of rain fell but so far things are draining, and water is flowing where we all hope it would.

End of an Era at Maine Outdoors

Saturday marked a significant change here at Maine Outdoors. When we started a very long time ago short canoe trips for visitors to the area were a significant part of the plan. Over the years canoe trip sales have dwindled. I do not have a good explanation; at first it was the rise of interest in sea kayaking. For a brief while we offered sea kayak trips although the interest in that waned over time and was eliminated.


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