A Walk in the Moonlight

Woke up way too early this morning, the nearly full moon reflecting brightly off of what little snow we have on the ground. After getting the fire going in the woodstove and enjoying a couple of cups of coffee I headed out to cover our usual morning walk.

The bright moonlight made the walking easy, providing enough light that I could see. The temperature was below freezing to be sure but not much below with little wind. I always expect to see a variety of wild critters out and about under the moonlight but never do. I suppose that it is so bright they hide like they do in the daylight. An interesting feature of moonlight is that it makes the trees seem straighter and taller than I know that they are, casting long straight shadows. The air was so still it was possible to hear even the quiet hum of a neighbors light in the dooryard.

As I walked it was interesting to see which neighbors were up or starting their day with a light on or the smell of a woodstove getting under way. Returned home just as it was starting to get light in the east ready for another sunny winter day!

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