Looking forward to the fall run!

The fall run of stripers is shaping up to be a good one. I have noticed huge schools of immature alewives while fishing and canoeing in Round Pond and there are a good number of stripers in the tidal section of the river. As the alewives begin to drop out of the river they should meet the stripers for a frenzied time of feeding in September and early October. Of course one can never really predict what will happen in the outdoors but all of the signs are there.

I have enjoyed several nature exploration canoe trips with families in the last week. It never ceases to amaze me how fascinating dipping pond critters is to kids. It is a big hit every time that I bring out the strainers. The fishing on those trips has been pretty slow though in fact yesterday afternoon we were not able to entice even one fish to bite. Disappointing for everyone but me most of all, I love being able to have a kid catch his or her first fish with me. I’m sure that it will improve as the water temperature cools.

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