Learn a New Skill

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Last weekend I fished with one of the families I see several times a summer. I noted that the son was now handling fish with confidence and care (I remember when he was afraid of the fish). I always hope that my anglers will notice and learn better fish handling techniques while fishing with me. I was delighted to see this young man land the fish, remove the hook and return the fish to the water and revive it before letting it swim off. A skill many adults do not have down I might add.

When you land a fish, quickly get control of the fish (in a net or for bass by grasping the lower jaw) remove the hook and return the fish to the water or even better complete the entire operation while the fish is in the water. If you plan on getting a picture have your camera out and ready before the fish is even on the end of the line. This simple procedure stymies many adults and needs to be better explained as we all try to release more of our fish alive.

It takes practice to be able to handle fish with the care and respect that is needed; clearly I had provided enough practice opportunity and coaching to this youngster to get the result we all hope for. As the executive director of The Maine Professional Guides Association I am cooperating with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to develop a video that will explain the steps of successfully releasing fish. We hope to have something for you all so see late this fall to help everyone develop this important skill.

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