Guide Small Business Seminar Changes

Saturday was the most recent guide small business seminar. Attendance we light and there were several last minute cancellations. I prefer a bigger group as it generates a wider range of discussions and topics. Still I enjoyed the day very much and am certain that the folks attending learned more than enough to justify spending a cold winter day indoors and paying the registration fee. As always the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine Conference center was perfect for the seminar. Centrally located, nice new facility and an excellent lunch.


I have already scheduled the next seminar for March 28, 2009 from 9AM to 4 PM. This seminar will be in my office and available over the Internet. I am eager to see what the response is and to learn how to make the online version work effectively. There should be significant savings for me and the participants in both time and money if we can make it all happen like it is supposed to.

As with anything new there will be things to think through and try out. I am looking forward to a different angle on seminars and the learning opportunity for me and the participants.

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