Sometimes I have a few odd minutes to fill and am always on the lookout for something fun and useful to do with the time. I was sent a link to a lecture on TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) that I found interesting. So I spent some time checking it out and discovered that the talks can be downloaded as Podcasts and loaded onto my iPod. I had to wait for the Yukon to be repaired yesterday and the casts were a perfect way to fill the hour or so that the repair took. I don’t necessarily agree with everything presented but I like hearing different perspectives and enjoy watching how different folks present their information. So it is a valuable learning experience that fits into my pocket. This is an interesting direction for learning in general, anyone can attend a lecture by the best minds. Maybe we no longer need to bus kids long distances to schools rather a teacher can come to them electronically.
Or perhaps I could record and upload my guide seminar for folks to purchase online. Why not? Except that for the most part guides are not the most technically savvy folks in the world. Instead I am going to try offering the seminar one on one here in my office for the next six months or so to see if that will be more effective or reach more folks. I had the first one on one session last Saturday and it went very well. Maybe I am on to something.
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