The dry easterly breeze

Our weather has been pretty consistent for most of this week.  An easterly wind with no rain and because the wind is off of the water chilly temperatures. The striper fishing continues to be slow because of the cold water that arrives on each incoming tide. The water temperature fell seven degrees between the harbor and my first stop to fish this morning. Hopefully the sun this afternoon with the tide out will warm the bottom and in turn the water some. Of course it will not warm up in only one day and what we really need is a day or two with the wind in some other direction than the east. I know that I simply need to be patient it will be full blown summer before I know it.

One of the most notable things right now is the pollen in the air, it flies on the wind in yellow clouds and covers everything outside. I suppose that we are lucky that it has been too cool to have the windows open with all of that flying on the wind. My summer season is off to a great start. A very pleasant break from being inside most of the winter, I am even getting much of my office work done sitting on the deck with the laptop and portable phone. Sometimes all of this technology is an improvement in my life.

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