Today is marked by a very strong southerly wind the weather man says it is ahead of a cold front that will work it’s way though tomorrow with rain showers. It has been very dry so the rain will be most welcome for the gardens and lawns.
We are in the middle of our first hot spell of the summer. Actually not really that hot compared to the rest of the east coast, in the 80’s, but with high humidity. Yesterday morning there was little wind just enough breeze to keep any bugs at bay. Launched the Grand Lake canoe on one of my favorite bass ponds, this one is small by Maine standards at only 250 or so acres, just the right size for a short fishing trip. The bass are spawning on the shallow flats and it was some of the best sight fishing you could wish for.
My season has been off to a great start. One of the best things about guiding is the great folks that I get to spend time with over the years. Often a trip is as much a chance to catch up with a friend as anything. I am truly fortunate for the great folks that I have as clients. Now to the fishing.