
Eagles and Ospreys Galore

I often write about how frequently we see eagles and ospreys on various trips and that they are almost always part of the early season striper fishing mix. Yesterday afternoon really made that point. Capt. George Harris of Superfly Charters and I were fishing on the Saint George between Thomaston Harbor and Warren Village checking to see if the stripers had arrived yet (nope).

An amazing sight

Yesterday while waiting at the Thomaston public landing for my afternoon striper fishing party I saw something that I had only seen once before. An osprey dove and successfully caught a herring. While he was flying off with his prize an eagle appeared and began to harass the osprey. For several minutes it was quite a display of aerial ability with the more maneuverable osprey seeming to be able to avoid but not escape the eagle. After repeated dives from the eagle and an equal number of successful rolls twists and dives. The osprey gave up and let go of the fish.

Brook Trout Bonus

I was bass fishing with a young couple this weekend and was very pleasantly surprised by two brook trout. The first one was caught at the boat launch before we had even gotten in the boat, the second came about halfway through the morning, a very pleasant surprise for all of us and they each landed one trout.  Not to mention being absolutely beautiful with excellent color, almost as bright as they are in the fall.This morning I went down on the Saint George River to look for stripers, I did not find even one. I did see five eagles all together in one spot.

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