
Transition to Spring

This is the week we go from winter or almost winter to spring. Last Friday and Saturday we had a stiff northerly wind and temperatures in the 40s, Monday morning dawned warm with almost no wind and plenty of sunshine. Water temperatures that had been in the low to mid 40s all of April sprang up to almost 55 at midday.

A new adventure

Today will be a new adventure for this old guide. No not a new lake or different fish or even new clients. For most of my career I have provided licenses where needed for my clients. Mostly as a convenience but also part of my commitment to conservation which in fish and wildlife has been mostly funded by license sales revenues and taxes on equipment.

Not every day is a great day to be outside

The weather forecasters have been talking about a storm for a few days including a high wind warning here on the coast. So last evening I put the grill in the garage and anything that might blow away. This morning I am more than a little glad that I did. We have had steady wind of 25 miles per hour and gusts as high as 35. The wind started out early in the east but is now slowly down to the south.


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