
Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies are everywhere this summer in fact I had one fly in the window the other day while I was leaving the public launch in Thomaston, and have seen many others far down the river over the open salt water. We have not had any around for the last few years but this summer they seem to be everywhere. I can’t explain why they should be back this summer in such numbers but I am enjoying having them around. The teacher at our house has already gotten some caterpillars and put them in a clear observation box with plenty of milkweed.

Mid Summer Break

My schedule has been a little less frantic this week with only one party each day. On the days that I a striper fishing that has me home by noon. I have been able to make progress on the pile that had accumulated on my desk in the last month. I somehow wound up as the project manager on the local chamber of commerce web site project and that has of course added to the workload.

Gulls in the Field

I am wondering about the flock of gulls (maybe 50) that have taken up residence in the hay field across the street. They spend the day walking around feeding on what I guess to be bugs and earthworms. It appears that they roost in another field down the road at night on the ground. I have looked them over pretty carefully and it appears that they are all Herring Gulls mostly mature judging by their plumage but there are immature gulls as well.


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