A cold and snowy start to April

The snow storm last week left us with over a foot of new snow. In April you would assume that the strong spring sun and warm daytime temperatures would make short work of turning it into melt water. Not this April, we have had pretty cool days and nights well below freezing so we still have more than half of last weeks snowfall on the ground. The dirt road in front of the house is under constant patrol all day by a flock of robins searching for a worm unlucky enough to surface. In the evening and early morning there are a good number of woodcock searching the only bare ground around for the same worms. In fact this afternoon when I went to get the mail there was a woodcock in the road by the mailbox. I assume that he had gotten hungry enough to chance it during daylight. At least during the day the ground is not frozen solid which I am sure it must be at night. I also saw a few killdeer at the dairy farm below the house the day after the storm. I hope that they can all hold on for a while longer until a real thaw sets in.

I talked with someone yesterday who keeps a good diary and she mentioned that on yesterdays date a year ago we had the first spring peepers. Not for a while this year. I know that it will turn all of a sudden and the spring will pop right out but boy am I eager for it to come this year. I think partly because I have sent too much time in the office this winter and need to get outside to have some fun. Maybe even catch a trout or two.

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