You just never know what will walk by

As a long time grouse hunting guide I have frequently been frustrated by the fact that the birds are hard to find on a warm sunny afternoon. I have looked in all kinds of cover and often wondered if they spend the afternoon in the trees watching the dogs and I search for them.

Sunday was a warm sunny and windless afternoon, unusual for Maine in January but that is another story. I happened to be standing by the window and looked out into the woods behind the house. I noticed a small movement and at first assumed a squirrel. Watching more closely I see that it is a Ruffed Grouse, not really unusual, I train the dogs out back all of the time and consistently find at least one bird.

I watched closely and counted four grouse all walking together in a line similar to a flock of turkeys moving through the woods. Amazed I watched them until they passed out of sight. So here were the grouse on one of those warm sunny afternoons on a leisurely stroll through the woods. So all I need to do is take a stroll through the woods to find them on those nice afternoons. Who knew?

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I dare you Don. I will bet a hundred bucks you will never find what you saw that day. :-) Musta been fun though to see them. I've been trying to get a shot (with my camera) of a grouse flying all season and have missed every opportunity. Either I didn't have the camera when the bird offered a great shot or I wasn't in the right spot. They are so flighty now. Al Robbins and I watched 5 birds get up way ahead of us in Chelsea last wasn't even around. We did get three birds pointed but it was tough.

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