Presenting at Social Media Breakfast Portland

The regular e-newsletter (sign up in the right had column of this post) that I send once a month in the winter and twice a month in the summer is an important part of staying in touch with clients and folks planning a trip. So are this blog, Facebook and Twitter.  As a one person operation it is a challenge to interact with clients (individuals and the members of the Maine Professional Guides Association) while actually running Maine Outdoors. Guiding, taking the reservations and keeping up on all of the everyday things that operating a small business is made up of. As you would imagine after ten years of producing a regular e-newsletter and blogging for seven a method has evolved.

I have been very fortunate to have gotten some good advice that helped me tie it all together. So if you are curious about how I find time. I will be presenting at the Portland Social Media Breakfast in February. Over the last years I have attended several of these in Portland and Bangor. Now it is my turn to share the system that connects this blog to my e-newsletter and social media like Facebook and Twitter.

I am already looking forward to seeing what I will say and sharing what works for me. Of course a guide is actually a professional storyteller with true tales to tell. Hopefully a few of you will be able to attend and tell a few stories of your own about how my efforts are or are not successful. Hope to see you there!

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