What a morning

My oldest son is visiting College of the Atlantic to be sure that it is where he wants to go next year. So the younger one needed to be driven to school (he usually rides with his brother) I decided that I would drive his old Jeep since it does not get driven much. (he will get his license in June). On the way home the right front tire blew out! I’ve been driving for over 30 years and that was a new experience for me. Of course when I left the house I was intending to come right home. Sooo I did not have good walking shoes on, had no cell phone and really did not have the morning to spend. But here I was luckily only a couple of miles from home. With the spare back in the garage I had only one choice to hoof it. I had a pleasant walk home on a warm spring day. Got the tools I needed and the spare drove down in my Yukon and changed the tire. Of course the spare had almost enough air in it. So I had to drive downtown to put air in the tire. Drive back home and then walk back down to get my truck.

The upshot is that I worked steadily until about 11 AM to get back where I was when I left the house in the morning. I remember having those days back when I was a clam digger. Something would break or otherwise malfunction and you would spend the entire day getting back to the beginning. It has been quite a while since I had one of those days. The good part was a couple of nice long walks. On the second trip I went down across the neighbors pasture and hayfields. It was a little muddy in places but pretty much all good going. I enjoyed seeing the neighborhood from a different perspective than you get from the road. So the morning was not a total loss.

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