Weather Eye

When you are outdoors every day like I am the weather impacts what you do every day. Friday I was guiding a striper fisherman in the Lower Saint George and as we returned to the harbor at the end of his trip I commented that I did not like the look of the sky. At that moment there was mostly blue sky with a few white puffy clouds in the northern sky. He responded that he saw no reason for me not to take my canoe trip that afternoon.
When I arrived back at the office after dropping off my client there was thunder in the distance. Not a storm that we would get (it was far off to the south) but making enough noise to make me think about what I should do. As I was thinking about whether or not I would cancel the trip, that client called. He was under the storm that I could hear in the distance and was thinking that we should not be on the water. While I was not concerned about that storm I still did not like the look of the sky and cancelled the afternoon trip.
I sat at my desk wondering if I had made the right decision for almost an hour when we had a tremendous thunder storm with lots of lightning and loud thunder that lasted for almost an hour, verifying that I had made the right decision after all. I still cannot explain what looked so ominous in that sky, I guess experience counts for something after all.  

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