
One great thing about being a guide and fishing every day is seeing the differences from one day to the next. Or in today’s case one river to the next. A client was staying in Boothbay and asked if we could do his morning trip from Wiscasset instead of Thomaston. I have not fished that area consistently in years but figured it would be a good chance to see some old familiar territory and see what there were for fish down there.

The first difference that I noticed right off was that the larger river system is suffering even more from all of the runoff and dirty water. The river was colored brown everywhere and there was a lot of floating driftwood and grass. I am sure that the driftwood and grass was partly due to the full moon and bigger tides this week. We found fish on the surface just like I have been finding them in the Saint George and very few working on the structure. It is interesting that the stripers have become an open water predator for a period this summer.

I have also been fishing with a number of families over the last several days and enjoyed fishing with most of them. The kids have been very appreciative and were always interested in the seals and porpoises that there are to see.

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