Trout Fishing picks up

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My days have been spent working to get all of the boats ready for the coming season; everything from electrical problems to fiberglass repairs. All are simple enough but take considerable time and when working with fiberglass patience. The Lund Alaskan is set to go and I am confident in it after a sea trial in the lower Saint George yesterday. Everything worked as it should and I am sure that it will provide an excellent fishing platform for the coming seasons. This morning I am applying a new coating of fiberglass cloth to the stern of the Grand Lake Canoe. The old covering had let go from the oak that provides the strength. This is time consuming mostly due to the steps that are required.

The trout fishing on the local ponds has been very good in the evenings this week. A decent evening rise is coming off just before sunset, interesting though it seems to shut right off as quickly as it starts as darkness falls. I assume that as the air cools the insect hatches diminish and the fish are off looking for other food sources. Because the state is now stocking brook trout in the area the catch is mostly brook trout with a few holdover browns thrown in for good measure. Lsat evening I caught a smallmouth bass mixed right in with the trout.

The last two evenings as we fished for rising fish, the loons were right there working on the same fish that we were. One of the brown trout had a recent injury from something trying to grab him. So I guess that the loons miss a few.

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