These are the winter days.

The sky does not have a single cloud and is a bright blue contrasted with the white snow on the ground. A beautiful winter day, except that the temperature is struggling to reach 20 and the wind is howling in the trees. Oh well I tell folks all of the time that we have 10 days in the summer when it is to hot to go outside and 10 days in the winter when it is to cold to go outside. Today is one of the cold ones.

Tomorrow I am off to the Maine Conservation School to get the new Executive Director started on her first day. The board has been very deliberate in the selection this time. I am confident that we are off in the right direction and can now begin to move the school into the forefront of conservation education in the east. This has been a difficult transition and I see some looming issues on the horizon with the staff. It is always hard when you have a totally volunteer board of directors some that have no experience hiring or leading a staff.

Of course I am going to be in the Yukon for most of the day and there is snow in the forecast so it might be a long slow drive. Worth it I’m sure to get things headed in the direction I think that they should go in.

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