A Sure Sign of Spring

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It is raining this morning after a cold stretch. Yesterday morning it was clear and still with a temperature of just under 10 Fahrenheit. I spent part of the afternoon chipping ice out of the driveway, especially around the front door. The dogs were out it was warm for this winter and I was enjoying a fine winter day.

I looked across the lawn and into the apple tree. There was a medium sized bird that I did not recognize at first glance and after having seen a shrike last week I was ready for another unusual sighting. The sun was behind the bird making any color very hard to see. I watched for a minute or two and soon there was another one. No I was curious! So I walked up on to the deck trying to get a better angle.

Whatever it was it had a deep red or brick color breast. Now I am really thinking this is an exotic bird of some sort. Finally I get close enough and the angle so that I can see color and shape in the sunlight. Sure enough not an exotic at all but a robin! As I walk a little closer I can see that there are maybe a dozen robins down along the brook. Hoping around on the snow and ice like they always do.

So those of you who were feeling like this winter would never end. The robins are here spring cannot be too far away. I hope that they know what they are doing, it sure still looks like winter here.

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