Summer Begins

Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of the summer season for Maine Outdoors and the telephone was very busy Friday afternoon with folks making last minute plans. The weather looks to be a perfect start to the summer season warm, sunny and pleasant. In fact even though we have had showers the last few days we could use some rain. It is amazing to see how quickly the river has fallen to near mid summer levels. I have been wading and trout fishing this week and because of that am more aware of the level than usual.

We discovered a small glitch in our Samoset packages but have managed to work through the details. With any change there is a usual amount how do we do this now and since the packages were almost completely redesigned this winter we had a few loose ends. Everyone was most cooperative and all of the details are now ironed out. It is always a pleasure to work with the Samoset staff everyone is pleasant and knows that our job is to make happy clients. So almost any situation is easy to work out and everyone is on the same page at once.

The first family fishing trip of the season will take place this weekend and I am pretty sure that the perch will be schooled up in shallow water and waiting. I am enjoying being back to guiding almost full time.

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