Stripers even after all of that rain

After the steady rain and wind of the weekend I did not expect much for striper fishing this morning. On top of that we got a late start but we did have the tide in our favor I thought. There were periods of drizzle and brilliant sun but overall it was cloudy and cool. The river was high and dirty with a lot of our tannin stained fresh water obvious. But as I worked my way down river there were fish in good numbers nothing thrilling like bait driven to the surface but steady fishing. In fact when I got down far enough that the water was clear and pretty much green fish seemed to be dropping right into the usual summer patterns. It felt very much like being back with old friends.

The current forecast has us scheduled for a few days of good early summer weather and then back to rain. At this point even a lot of rain will not really hurt the fishing not to mention that clouds and fog keep the fish active longer in the day.

So I would say that summer is here, right down to the laughing gulls in the background. The last migrants that I see still around are the golden and black belied plovers that are waiting for the ice to leave the far north even they should be enjoying their summer soon. I am taking reservations for summer fishing and canoe trips almost every day now so it reinforces the feeling that summer is here for sure and it looks like it will be very busy. The good news is that the stripers are back in numbers and the fishing will be good for at least teh early part of the summer.

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