September morning!

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Fall is here with shorter cooler days and even cooler nights. This week has been filled with meetings and conference calls on a variety of topics. I needed to report to the doctor’s office so that they could draw some blood. This of course throws off an entire day’s schedule.

I decided that since it was cloudy and the forecast called for showers I should take the morning and spend a little time fishing. A moderate easterly wind made the shore of Seven Tree Pond in Union perfect for casting a fly out of the breeze. I launched the boat around 9 AM and fished for a couple of hours.

The leaves are sporting their fall colors and there are more than a few on the surface of the water. I always complain in September that the light gets flat making it hard to see into the water, especially true today. Many of you have heard me comment on fish passing at a lure or fly and because I was really watching my own line I can report that a bunch of fish actually opened their mouths like they were going to bite but I never felt the tug. At this point in the season the water is much warmer than the air and both temperatures are falling.

Several bass and pickerel came to the boat, nothing large but still a pleasant break on the water. A nice morning out, delightful to have a few hours off!

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