September Fishing

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One of the most enjoyable parts of being a guide is guiding the same people year after year. One of the folks I enjoy fishing with every September is AJ. AJ is an excellent fly caster and ties many of the flies that I use during the season. We have fished together many years and it always feels like he was in the boat just last week even though it has been a year since we last saw each other.

This morning was a treat, first because AJ is very polite and lets me fish. This means of course that I am not really guiding but fishing. Sometimes the boat is out of position or drifting while I play a fish, with no complaint from AJ. Second we caught several pretty large fish. Nice Pickerel

This pickerel is the second biggest one we boated this morning along with a couple of very respectable bass all caught on flies. The third part of the treat is that because AJ is a good fly tier and shows up with a box full of well tied good ideas and experiments continuously. He is always trying another fly, while I am content to use the same two or three all day if they are working. When we are finished I usually have a new fly or pattern to add to my repertoire.

This morning was no different, I really liked the chartreuse worms that we used toward the end of the trip today although those big white flies were pretty hard to beat. On one of my first few casts with that fly a pickerel launched himself and came down like a rocket on the fly from about three feet away. Pretty exciting!

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