Seal show!

I was striper fishing this morning in the cold wind and wet. When I decided that I had enough and started for the harbor. I came around a bend in the river and saw a seal coming up out of the water. I shut off the outboard and drifted to watch as it was joined by a second small seal as they porpoised right past the boat about fifteen feet away. Seemingly not bothered by the boat they kept right on going even when I had to start the outboard to keep from crashing in to the riverbank. After maybe twenty in unison leaps they swam on the surface together for another fifty yards, maybe looking for applause for the show?

I have seen seals porpoise before but they never let me get very close. That distance was pretty close for a seal that is even just swimming. So all around an unusual event. Of course it was pouring rain and my fingers were wet and cold so a quick picture was not possible.

The best part of being outdoors is you never know what amazing thing you will see next.

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