OK I am starting to believe that global warming is here.

I have been one of those who were skeptical of the global warming hype for a long time. I believe that it is very hard to see long term trends while you are living in them. But given the fact that it is now January and we do not have ice on the ponds that is safe to walk on tells me that something is definitely up. We get a few days of cold weather and then it warms up and rains. Hardly a Maine winter we have only had a few inches of snow but plenty of rain. The good news is that the wood pile is not going down at it’s usual rate and the bill for snow plowing will be very low this winter but what will the future hold given these changes?

This morning we are heading back into a cool down for the rest of the week but certainly not a cold snap like we would normally expect at this time of year. I had a small flock of tom turkeys in the field across the street this morning. Feeding happily with no snow for them to contend with.

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