Let Summer Begin!

Yesterday morning dawned foggy, drizzly and cold. Just like most of June. In fact I was quite cold on the morning striper fishing trip. But by the time I had driven from the harbor to home the clouds had broken up and we were treated to a perfect blue sky afternoon.

This morning was picture perfect as well. Perfectly clear skies and chilly but not cold temperatures. I took the morning’s fisherman to the head of the tide where the eagles and ospreys were cooperative and abundant. Over the course of the morning we gradually worked our way far downriver to where the water was green and clear.

The water temperatures responded very well to a little sunshine jumping into the high 50’s far down river. The really big news this morning was that the mackerel have arrived in numbers around the first set of offshore islands, we are ready for summer family fishing trips on the salt water. The lupines are in full bloom everywhere along the roadsides in dark blue, pink and the occasional white marking the end of June. As I drove home I passed school busses dropping off the students from the last day of class. Everything is ready let summer begin!

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