How Do You Stay Busy in the Maine Winter?

I firmly believe that an important part of running my business is giving something back to the community that makes the business possible. To do that I serve on three organizations boards The Maine Conservation School, The Maine Tourism Association and Unity College. The school and college are both focused on developing future generations awareness and understanding of the natural world, something that I see as critical. The Tourism Association is more of a professional organization but I hope to raise awareness and respect for my segment of the industry with them. So in a way each of these roles is focused on education.

All of these boards meet quarterly and in my lobbyist work I report to boards that also met quarterly making certain times of the year filled with meetings. February seems to be one of those times. This month I am spending almost a third of my time in board meetings. Especially when you add in the fact that the Maine Conservation School is in transition we just hired a new executive director and she needs a fair amount of board support to get her feet under her. I am just back from a two day meeting or the Unity College Board of Trustees where there is also a new college president.

Luckily much of this time comes at a time of the year when I am already focused on meetings and inside work. The fit is almost perfect with the work I do lobbying for Maine Bowhunters Association and the Maine Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation. So I am always suprised when people ask me what I do all winter.

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