How could Maine be below the national norm?

I am thinking about what it means to have Maine tourism lag the rest of the nation in travelers using the internet to learn about visiting. Down from five years ago when we were at the national norm. The state has spent a significant amount on web marketing and almost every business has as well.

My own data shows a doubling of traffic to my web site in each of the last two years. I will need to do a further sort on actual reserved trips to be sure but my electronic newsletter alone generates a significant amount of repeat business. Could the data be off? Or are the folks that travel here repeat customers who just pick up the phone and make a reservation at a place they know? Or are they more interested in print? All very interesting questions as I begin to plan my marketing for the coming season.

Since I am also developing a Marketing seminar for guides the information is important for me to give them as they develop their individual plans. I wonder if I should encourage them away from Internet marketing. The traditional print and show outlets must be rejoicing to hear this news. I am still struggling with how we could be not following a national trend in a medium that offers such huge opportunities to small business like mine.

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