Here comes spring can summer be far behind?

It has been incredible to watch the leaves come out over the last few days. On Friday the beech trees had only buds and by Saturday morning leaves of about two inches long. Other species of trees are popping out just as quickly today. I suppose that this relatively warm dry spring makes all of the difference. In a couple of weeks we will have all of our leaves for summer. The tulips in the garden are in full bloom and the dandelions are starting to bloom in the hayfield across the street. It is hard to be sure but when I look back on last spring all I can remember is cold and rain. Yes it is cold at night these days and I do light a fire in the wood stove when I get up. It goes out by mid morning and is not missed. In fact on Saturday we were all complaining about too much heat in the house. Which prompted me to put the screens in the windows.

I have been doing a little fishing but I must say that the water has not been as quick to warm as the air. I did switch to my Gore-Tex waders on Friday but my feet were still cold when I stopped fishing. The rain of a week or so ago has the river at a level higher than it was all spring. I can’t wait to see when the stripers get here. There are ospreys around so I know that the alewives are getting ready to run and the stripers will be about two weeks behind them.

Freshwater bass are still quite sluggish but they should be heading into the shallow water to spawn in a couple of weeks, it is going to be hard to choose what to do first. Hopefully I’ll have all of my maintenance work done before then and able to take advantage of all the opportunities.

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